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Bradley's Story

The reason behind our great taste
award winning hot sauce.

Bradley was 19 when he took his life due after years of struggling with his mental health. In his short life, he had accomplished a great deal and was talented in so many different fields. He loved music and rapping, and was a gifted actor, enhanced by his mother Dianne, who is also one of the founders of Happy Hedgehog Foods, but who is also the principal of one of the largest Performing arts and dance schools in Mid Wales. 

He loved cooking, something that would have been a good career to follow as he possessed the most amazing taste palette and was never afraid to taste something new. From a very young age, he would often join Apra on her re-enactment weekends and loved nothing better than dressing the period, learning to sword fight and helping in the cooking and preparing of the historical dishes she was often demonstrating.

To all those that knew Brad, he was a charming, gentle giant, who never held a grudge and he would do anything for anyone. As a way of honouring his life, Apra, having taken inspiration from his love of super hot curries and chilli sauces, set about making a hot sauce that he would have enjoyed. Using all the spices and flavours he loved and a lot of trial and error, our Sweet Hot Sauce was finally created. This hot sauce is now the base for our seriously hot, Armageddon Blast, and our spicy chilli relish, Fire Tongue Tickle Pickle.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we think he would have done….

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